Be part of our Apple Day on 2 October
Would you like to help plan an apple day to be held in the orchard at lunchtime on Sunday 2 October?
Please email d.woodward[at] for details of an informal planning meeting we are holding on Tuesday September 13. You will also be most welcome at a working party in the orchard on Sunday 18 September, from around 11am. You only need drop in for an hour if that's all you can manage. All ages welcome. Please RSVP to the same address.
We need your ideas for the Apple Day. So far we plan to start with a picnic in the orchard perhaps with a barbeque and tea and cakes. There will be a display of country dancing and a chance to have a go at the traditional pub game, Aunt Sally as well as apple bobbing for the children. We could also have competitions for the best apple chutney, apple cake, etc but need to discuss these and any other ideas you have.
We would also like to include orchard tours and apple identification. This is a joint venture between the Community Orchard and Dunsden Village Hall. The more people volunteer to be there, and to help, the more fun it will be - so please get in touch.
David Woodward